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Goodbye Mutley :-(

This is my favorite picture of Mutley.

Song playing is I'm your Angel ,and he was.

A Dog's Prayer

By Beth Norman Harris

I read something in today's paper
that my human showed me,
and I want to share it with you.

Treat me kindly, my beloved master,
for no heart in all the world 
is more grateful for kindness 
than the loving heart of me.

Do not break my spirit with a stick,
for though I should lick your hand 
between the blows,
your patience and understanding 
will more quickly teach me the things
you would have me do.

Speak to me often,for your voice
is the world's sweetest music,
as you must know by the 
fierce wagging of my tail
when your footsteps fall
upon my waiting ear.

When it is cold and wet, 
please take me inside,
for I am now a domesticated animal,
no longer used to bitter elements.

And I ask no greater glory 
than the priviledge of sitting 
at your feet beside the hearth.

Though had you no home, 
I would rather follow you 
through ice and snow
than rest upon the softest pillow
in the warmest home in all the land,
for you are my god and
I am your devoted worshiper.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water,
for although I should not 
reproach you were it dry,
I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.

Feed me clean food, 
that I may stay well,
to romp and play and do your bidding,
to walk by your side, and stand ready,
willing and able to protect you 
with my life should your life be in danger.

And, beloved master,
should the great Master see fit
to deprive me of my health or sight,
do not turn me away from you.

Rather hold me gently in your arms
as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon
of eternal rest--
and I will leave you knowing
with the last breath I drew,
my fate was ever safest in your hands.

Mutley was 15 1/2 years old, when he went to doggie heaven. And Barney was with him until the end came. We got him from Action for Animals...Oct 15 , 1988 he was badly under weight and flea infested. He was 1 1/2 yrs old when we got him.

This picture was when he was 7 years old, he loved to push your leg with his head , until your leg was on his back.

The Picture of him on our back porch , was taken when he was 14 years old..

I will tell you how we found the cancer. He had a growth on his back leg.(nothing serious) I kept showing it to his Dr. but he wasn't concerned about it. Then when it started to bleed. I made an appt. and told the Doctor , I wanted it removed. Since he was so old , I asked the Dr. to clip his nails & clean his teeth while he was asleep, as Mutley wouldn't let me do this any more. Well to make a long story short , when the doctor was cleaning his teeth , he found the lump. He removed as much of it as he could. That was on January 16, 2001 The type of Cancer Squamouscellcarcinoma. It wasn't in his Jaw...just under his tongue. His Dr. said we could also have him under go Chemo. But I said he was so old...We just wanted him to enjoy every day he had left. The doctor only gave him three months , and told me to prepare myself for this as it is a very aggressive Cancer. Had him back four months later , still no swelling under his tongue , (which would cause him not to be able to eat and we would need to remove more tissue.) The Doctor said it must be moving slow through him. I didn't want to take one happy day from him , but I told the Doctor he will need to help me , as I don't want him to suffer either. He had another appt on July 16 , 2001 To check under his tongue all they could do for him is remove the swelling. So after that we took it week by week , with the help of Mutley's Dr, and his staff. Mutley lived 16 months from the date of surgery. So all Pet Lovers ask to have the doctor check under your pet's tongue. And I was told that alot of people never know the cancer is there until , they see bleeding. Thanks to Mutley's Dr. who found it while cleaning his teeth. we had him alot longer , as it never went into his jaw.

A Little Dog Angel High up in the courts of heaven today a little dog angel waits; with the other angels he will not play, but he sits alone at the gates. "For I know my master will come" says he, "and when he comes he will call for me." The other angels pass him by As they hurry toward the throne, And he watches them with a wistful eye as he sits at the gates alone. "But I know if I just wait patiently that someday my master will call for me." And his master, down on earth below, as he sits in his easy chair, forgets sometimes, and whispers low to the dog who is not there. And the little dog angel cocks his ears and dreams that his master's voice he hears. And when at last his master waits outside in the dark and cold, for the hand of death to open the door, that leads to those courts of gold, he will hear a sound through the gathering dark, a little dog angel's bark. Author Unknown

Goodbye Mutley , you keep watch...Momma & Pappy will see you again our little angel. Our Love for you will never Die!!!


I had this one of Mutley & me taken at Christmas 2000 . For my friend Aileen from Australia , as she was after me to send a picture of us together for her, not knowing that in January 2001 we would get the shocking news of Mutley having Cancer :-( Thank you Aileen , for keeping after me , now I have a picture of us together :-)